Volume 7, Issue 5 p. 766-770

Synthesis and Evaluation of Anticancer Natural Product Analogues Based on Angelmarin: Targeting the Tolerance towards Nutrient Deprivation

Dr. Jakob Magolan

Dr. Jakob Magolan

Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies (N75), Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane Innovation Park, Don Young Road, Nathan, QLD 4111 (Australia), Fax: (+61) 7 3735 6001

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Nathan B. P. Adams

Nathan B. P. Adams

Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies (N75), Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane Innovation Park, Don Young Road, Nathan, QLD 4111 (Australia), Fax: (+61) 7 3735 6001

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Hiroko Onozuka

Hiroko Onozuka

Cancer Physiology Project, Research Center for Innovative Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East, 6-5-1 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8577 (Japan)

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Dr. Natasha L. Hungerford

Dr. Natasha L. Hungerford

Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies (N75), Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane Innovation Park, Don Young Road, Nathan, QLD 4111 (Australia), Fax: (+61) 7 3735 6001

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Prof. Hiroyasu Esumi

Prof. Hiroyasu Esumi

Cancer Physiology Project, Research Center for Innovative Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital East, 6-5-1 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8577 (Japan)

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Dr. Mark J. Coster

Corresponding Author

Dr. Mark J. Coster

Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies (N75), Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane Innovation Park, Don Young Road, Nathan, QLD 4111 (Australia), Fax: (+61) 7 3735 6001

Eskitis Institute for Cell and Molecular Therapies (N75), Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Brisbane Innovation Park, Don Young Road, Nathan, QLD 4111 (Australia), Fax: (+61) 7 3735 6001Search for more papers by this author
First published: 16 March 2012
Citations: 12

Graphical Abstract

Inspired by nature: Angelmarin is an anticancer natural product with potent antiausterity activity, that is, selective cytotoxicity towards nutrient-deprived, resistant cancer cells. Through structure–activity relationship studies, three analogues were identified as lead compounds for the develpoment of molecular probes for the investigation of the mode of action and biological targets of the antiausterity compounds.