Efficient and Uncatalyzed Synthesis of Highly Functionalized New Symmetrical Indeno[1,2-b]pyrroles via a One-Pot Four-Component Reaction
Corresponding Author
Dr. Atieh Rezvanian
- [email protected]
- +98 21 88044051 | Fax: +98 21 88041344
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorFahame Mahmoodi
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorDr. Vahideh Zadsirjan
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorMehri Salimi
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Prof. Majid M. Heravi
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Dr. Atieh Rezvanian
- [email protected]
- +98 21 88044051 | Fax: +98 21 88041344
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorFahame Mahmoodi
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorDr. Vahideh Zadsirjan
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorMehri Salimi
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Prof. Majid M. Heravi
Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Alzahra University, POBox, 1993891176 Vanak, Tehran, Iran
Search for more papers by this authorGraphical Abstract
A facile, efficient and un-catalyzed approach for the synthesis of new symmetrical highly- substituted indeno [1,2-b]pyrrole derivatives through four-component reaction, involving, primary amines, diamine, diketene, and ninhydrin in CH2Cl2 at ambient temperature is reported. This approach enjoys merits such as being done in the absence of catalyst at ambient temperature, giving good to excellent yields, completed in short reaction times, and showing a wide functional group tolerance.
A facile, efficient and un-catalyzed approach for the synthesis of new symmetrical highly- substituted indeno [1,2-b]pyrrole derivatives through four-component reaction, involving, primary amines, diamine, diketene, and ninhydrin in CH2Cl2 at ambient temperature is reported. This approach enjoys merits such as being done in the absence of catalyst at ambient temperature, giving good to excellent yields, completed in short reaction times, and showing a wide functional group tolerance.
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The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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